Monday, November 17, 2008

Why I Love Him

In an effort to focus more on why I love my family I am going to post reasons why I think that my husband and children are amazing. I think it is easy to focus on negative qualities rather than the wonderful qualities that people posses.

Did you know that Jared is probably the most talented person that I have ever met? Not only is he brilliant, but he can also build, repair, replicate and do anything. He is also the most patient person that I have ever met. He loves to help other people and looks for the best in everyone he mets. I am truly blessed to be married to such an amazing man.

Exhibit A: Look at this barn. Most people who have taken this down because it obviously is in desperate need of repair. Why fix something that you can just rebuild?

Not Jared. He completely fixed the sagging barn to a stable structure.

Amazing. (in my humble opinion)


Megan said...

What a great way to focus on the happy things in life! And wow! I'm impressed by Jared's talents.

Sarraphim said...

That's awesome! I wish I were good with stuff like that. :)