Monday, November 17, 2008


Tori has become such a big girl. Yesterday was the Primary Sacrament Meeting. She was so excited. We have been practicing the songs FOREVER. She gave her one line like a champ. The only thing that annoyed her was that the Senior Primary sang more songs than the Junior Primary. She really wanted to be able to sing all of the song. She did not think that it was quite fair... Oh smart children.

Speaking of smart. We have a behavior modification chart that we do with Tori. When she earns five stickers she can go to the Dollar Store, ride the bus, go to the movies, etc. I was talking with her about going to the movies with her dad if she did well for her Primary Sacrament Meeting Presentation. She told me that sounded great, but she had a better ides. "How about I ride the bus with dad to the movie theatre." Smart kid combine two treats for the price of one. Needless to say she did go the movies, but not on the bus.

Tori likes to cook. Today she made her first sandwich. She is proud if you come over she will make you one too. Bologna and cheese...yum! (yuck). She LOVES to make food for people.

Tori has also become a good friend. I like how she introduces people. Yesterday she introduced me to her friend, Charles. "Charles, this is Laurie, Laurie this is Charles." I was impressed that she realized that Charles would not call me mommy.

Each day I wonder when did my baby grow up? I am so proud of her. I love watching her grow and develop into a warm, caring and loving person.


Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

You do have an amazing man for a husband. I think it is good that you did this blog because it is so easy to get wrapped up in your children and forget what a wonderful husband you have. Great reminder to us all...and Tori is so smart!!

Sarraphim said...

That's adorable! :D