Saturday, November 15, 2008


I had the opportunity to see some friends from high school today. I cannot believe how many years have gone by since I last saw them. It has been so many years that I refuse to actually say the number out loud. It makes me feel too old. It is amazing how easily we reconnected. I am so glad that we had the chance to see one another again. I loved meeting their families. I think what surprised me the most was Tori. Tori really enjoyed playing with their children. The whole way home Tori told us that she wanted to see her new friends again. Thank you Nicole and Ranae for coordinating the day.

Thursday night Tori and I went to Disney On Ice. She dressed up as Ariel (red wig and all). She loved going to Energy Solutions Arena. Everyone told her she was adorable dressed as Ariel. Tori of course agreed with their opinion. She was a little disappointed that the ONLY princess who did not attend was Sleeping Beauty. We had terrific seats (7th row center). At the end of the show she and I went down to the ice and she got to shake the hands of the princesses. She looked up at me with her huge brown eyes and said "Ariel, my sister, really loves me." Oh to be four-years-old again. When life is magical.


Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

Sounds like you had fun with your friends. That's great!! I'm glad you and Tori had such a fun time at Disney on Ice...Kaylie would be jealous! :)

Crystal said...

I tagged you! Go to my blog to see the instructions.

Spencer said...

What a special experience! I love meeting up with old friends. What an adorable story about Tori. I wish I had that much magic left in me. :o) Have a great day!

Nicole said...

We loved meeting you all too! Jared is awesome and what a great dad. Mikey is such a boy...and to echo your sentiments, give me a boy any day! Love our darling daughters, but whew! To quote Ian Falconer in the Olivia books "you know you really wear me out, but I love you anyway!" Tori was a perfect big girl...tell her thanks for all her patience with little girl Olivia!

Smathers House of Girls said...

Disney on ice sounds fun! Tori is too adorable. I have no doubt that Ariel, her sister, really loved her :) How can you not?