Thursday, November 6, 2008

Where did my baby go?

I don't know when it happened, but my baby is now a toddler. He is so big and proud of his new accomplishments, and while I am proud of him sometimes I miss my baby boy.

I put him down for a nap he took off his shirt. He was playing in their room and climbed up on the dresser and pulled his sister's32 CD player down on his nose. If you look closely you can see the cut in his nose.

Climbing Dad got him down.

Climbing again.

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL. I think so not because she is my daughter.


Jack said...

WOW! She is beautiful! And he is so amazingly BIG!

Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

What an explorer you have on your hands!! I think that picture of Tori if so cute!! You always get the cutest pictures of your kids.

Cami! said...

I think she's beautiful too, and she isn't even my offspring...don't worry, it's legit.

Smathers House of Girls said...

Tori IS beautiful. She is so big! I haven't seen her in so long! Aren't climbing babies fun? Just looking at pictures gives me a heart attack :)Lacey likes to climb onto our kitchen table and dance :)