Saturday, October 18, 2008

Just Words Continued... Mikey Milestones

Jared is still gone with the camara which is sad because Mikey has reached a few milestones today. This all happened BEFORE 11:30am
  • Was FINALLY successful (he has his dad's short Italian legs) able to climb up onto the kitchen chair.
  • Promptly went from the chair to the kitchen table to dance in the middle of the table...pure delight.
  • I changed the sheets on his bed. I put him down for his morning nap. Instead of sleeping he removed his diaper and PEED all over his bed...GROSS

We went out. I had had enough of his milestones. Upon our return.

  • he learned that he can reach whatever he wants with the assistance of the kitchen chair (ie he can now reach the power button to the golden calf) again...pure delight
  • he threw spaghetti around the kitchen for dinner, and put spaghetti in his hair
  • likes to pull his sister's hair so that he can take the toy that she is playing with...she screams in pain, he screams in delight

He is one happy boy. I have not even been upset. It was a good day. Active, busy, slightly challenging, but a good day to be a mom.


Smathers House of Girls said...

Peeing in bed is the worst. Lacey luckily only did that once. Her thing is pooping in the tub. THAT is disgusting. I didn't even know she did it one time until Hails went to get in the shower. NOT my favorite surprise....or Hails favorite for that matter.

Sarraphim said...

Hehehe! Wow. I don't even know what to say, except that actually made me laugh out loud, which when I'm reading stuff is a hard thing to do...

Love ya Laurie! (and Tori and Michael and Jared too!)