Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time to Catch up: Part I

We had a wonderful vacation in California. I love being with my mom and her new husband. The children love their home. They have the perfect grandparent house...pool, animals to feed, a playground and lots of places to explore. I even ended up with strep throat while on vacation, but Jared was an excellent care taker. I can't believe how quickly I was sick. I do LOVE the Z-pack. One dose and I was feeling better.

We have spent the last week getting back into our routine. I love California and would love to live there, but for now we are in Utah. Utah is SLOWLY growing on me. I even referred to Utah as home a few weeks ago, and that surprised me and the other I was talking to.

Updates on my children.

Michael can stand and stand steps without support, once he realizes what he is doing he falls down. he does love to climb. He is very good at it. He cut three more teeth the other night. I don't even know how many teeth that he has now...a mouth full.

Tori is growing up so fast. While we were in California she was swimming in the pool, and slipped under the water/ Luckily Jared and my mom's husband, Bill, were both right there. Bill went into the water and saved her. She still went back to swimming. Later that night when I put her to bed she asked me to pray instead of her. So I prayed and was closing the prayer and she said wait "Thank you Heavely Father for Grandpa Bill. He saved me in the pool today and I was relieved." She brought tears to my eyes. We did not make a big deal out of the incident because we did not want to scare her, but she recognized what happened and who helped her. Bill was touched by her prayer. Both Bill and Jared said that the incident was scary because they were both standing next to her and she slipped under water silently. Accidents happen so frequently and quickly. I am grateful that Jared and Bill were there and that Tori is developing her own relationship with Heavenly Father.


Spencer said...

Laurie, I'm glad you had such a good time in California. What a great story of Tori, and how wonderful that it has been preserved. It has touched my heart and brightened my day, and I am confident that someday, it will be a great strength to Tori as well. Thanks for everything.

Vicky said...

I'm glad Tori is okay. Thanks for sharing that story.

Megan said...

You called utah home? I don't believe it. :) But it happens. Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that you live in Utah, even if its only temporarily.
I also appreciated that you shared the story about Tori. Just proves you've been raising her right.