Monday, April 27, 2009

It has been a long time and so much has happened.


So when I last blogged we had decided do to graduate school in Utah. As I looked for a job in Utah it became clear that I would not make enough money to support a family of four above the poverty line. I was very frustrated. Jared was trying to schedule his GMAT exam and was having difficulty. Prior to the graduate school idea we both were submitting resumes to perspective employers in New York. The current economic conditions make it hard next to impossible for recent college graduates to find job in the business field, but the field was "white and ready to harvest" for those of us with a masters' degree and six years experience under their belt. Jared and I were ready to be done living in 650 square feet with two small children. We were ready to go and live a "normal" non-college life again, but every door kept shutting. Jared really wanted to be able to support our family, and have me raise our children, in short this was a very frustrating period of time. Out of the four resumes' I submitted I had three call me back and wanted to interview me. They wanted to know when I would return to New York. On March 25th a woman from a local New York hospital called she wanted me to fill one of her three open positions, she also wanted to know when I would return to New York. After my phone call it became clear that in order to get a job in New York we needed to live in New York. We decided it was time to move and we left on March 28th. We are so grateful to our amazing friends who helped us complete this feat. We managed to FILL a 22 foot moving truck and then we filled it two more times in New York moving our belongings out of storage (we have a lot of stuff).

Our trip across the country was uneventful. We saw no precipitation, it was windy, but not bad. The kids were perfect (thank you portable dvd player and big moving truck). Jared drove the truck I drove the car and we changed kids as needed. We arrived in Albany on April 1st.

The house was a bit more challenging than expected, but Jared can fix anything and he did. We stayed with family until we had heat, hot water, running water and the house had its first of multiple cleanings (it has been empty of almost three years). We are really starting to get the house together as we have found many treasures that have been in storage since 2006.

So as for my job offers the woman from the hospital did not return my phone calls, nor did the man from the local agency who wanted to hire me. I have been really nervous. We felt so prompted to move when we did, it was miraculous how quickly we moved, but the jobs that I had lined up fell through. Jared kept telling me things would work out and be fine. So I decided to trust him and he was right. I was offered and accepted a fabulous job making twice as much money as I expected, with excellent benefits, four weeks vacation, and it allows me to be at home until 4pm every day and a $3000 sign-on bonus. I am working as a clinical social worker for an insurance company making sure that people receive the appropriate treatment for their psychiatric and substance abuse problems. This job is perfect for our family. It allows me to do all of the things that I wanted to do, and gives me flexibility. It allows Jared to pursue the things that he would like to do and we can parent our children together.

So the last month has been crazy, yet peaceful. I have had the chance to organize my home before I go back to work. I have had time to reflect on my BYU experience. I have been surprised how much I missed check-outs, my RAs and my students. I felt as I drove from Utah that I was entering the lone and dreary world (the real world is not so bad). I am helping my children adjust to our new life, and have established some good habits. All in all it has been a month of growth.

Life is good on the farm ( I like to think that I happen to live in the house that has three huge barns next to it). I will post pictures when I finish my projects...the transformation will be amazing. Michael and Tori are happy. Michael's first word every morning is tradu (tractor) and today Tori sobbed because her dad mowed her beautiful garden of yellow flowers (dandelions).


Amy said...

Wow, what news! Thanks for the update and congratulations on the job, Laurie. What a perfect fit! I'm excited to see pictures. Did you guys own this house before you did schooling in Utah? Any plans to get some animals to fill the barns? We have chickens now. I blogged about it last night. Oh, my.

Anna said...

WoW! Well I am so glad that things are working out for you. That sounds like a lot of changes and adjustments. I'm glad that you can be back here in the east again! I'm loving it.

Unknown said...

I'm glad things have worked out for you Laurie! Can't wait to see the pics!

Vicky said...

Big changes! It's good to know what you're up to. I look forward to the pictures!

Smathers House of Girls said...

You need to come visit again! We've got the slip and slide out now!

Nicole said...

I too will add WOW! to the top of my comments. I am so glad you have had it all work out. It always does seem to. You endured UT and are therefore rewarded. And I will love to see some pictures. (even the unfinished projects!!)

Nicole said...

PS- does amy really think you will get animals???

Sarraphim said...

Yes! I'm glad you guys did what was right for you, and I'm glad you updated again! :) Miss you guys a lot, but I'm closer than I was a few days ago... I came home for the summer, so I'm 1,000 miles closer. :) Hope we can stay in touch.

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

holy cow! And here i was thinking I could come visit you today while I'm in Provo for the weekend! That's amazing, I love the way life can just happen like that! Nice timing on the check-outs too! (you missed that? really?) Good luck with everything!

Shauna said...

A little bit of both. I am officially a student hall advisor, but help where I can with conferences. Getting past check-outs was the real hurtle. I am glad to have winter check-outs forever behind me. I thought of Tori yesterday when I walked through some yellow dandelions. It made me smile.

Jack said...

WOW! It sounds so great! Im sure you will love it---you always used to talk about going back. Glad to see you were able to sooner than you thought. Send me your address!


lori said...

We've been thinking about you guys and hope you're settling in! We're anxious to see those pictures! We miss you but are so glad that the right opportunities are presenting themselves! Love you!

Mrs. Cropper said...

HOLY COW. I am so glad things are working out so well. That job sounds FABULOUS. I am so thrilled for you. Can't wait to see pictures of everything.

And what? Did you say you missed Utah? And check-outs?


lori said...

Laurie - I don't know if you'll even see this comment. But I need your current e-mail. Will you send me that?? I have a question for you.