Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's a New Year

First the IMPORTANT is OFFICIAL JARED HAS GRADUATED!!!!! We are so happy. We are so excited for our next adventure. We love adventures and change. Life is good right now. We just returned from a FABULOUS vacation at Grandma Judi and Grandpa Bill's house (pictures are forthcoming when I find where I packed the camera). It is a great place to visit. There is so much to do. I really love California!! It is my idea of winter, no snow and fairly warm. Tori and Michael loved it! Tori chased "the cat named Millie" and "the cat named Molly" around all day long. She kept feeding them. We found bowls of cat food all over the house. I asked her why. She told me that "the cat named Millie was really hungry". I ask "how do you know that she is hungry?" Tori patiently explains "when she growls that means she is hungry." Needless to say Millie was hungry a lot.

I had the great idea of driving to California with the kids. Tori and Jared were annoyed. As Tori put it "we don't drive to California we fly, that is just silly." Jared verbalized similar feelings, but I thought that driving would be fun. We bought a dual portable DVD player for the kids (thanks Dad) and I thought that this would be fun. Words cannot describe the the trip. I will leave you with the image of Michael screaming in his car seat (he HATES his car seat and does NOT sleep anywhere but in his own bed), Tori insisting that we watch a Sesame Street Sing Along with Me no less than 50 times, and Jared non-verbal vibe of "I told you that we should have flown." I am just so excited to drive back to NY in a few months. Oh the anticipation.

It is a New Year. Has anyone read this month's Ensign? There is a wonderful article about Peaches, Pruning and Spiritual Progress. Read the article it is fantastic. She poses one question that has lingered with me Do I let go of what is unnecessary or sinful in my life and keep only what is good? So my friends that is my New Year's Resolution to keep only the good in my life. Jared is really lucky that he is good, or he would have to be pruned :)

Happy New Year!!!!


Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

Oh, you guys are alive!!:) JK. I am so glad that you guys were able to have such a fun time in California! Did the kids love Disneyland? Congrats to Jared for being done, and good luck with the traveling to New York when you go.. :( I honestly can't even imagine but it will be worth it when you can get back home. I know you guys have missed it very much. Let's get together, Kaylie misses Tori!!

Amy said...

I'm so glad you had a fun Christmas holiday. We love California, too. Poor Molly and Millie. My mom puts the cat and dog away when we come, and it always makes me laugh. I think she's just trying to spare them unnecessary torture!

I'll have to send you some tips on traveling across the country w/ kids. Goodness knows our family did it enough times! What did we do before DVD players?

Nicole said...

yeah our cats have run out of hiding spots in the hotel now that Olivia has figured out how to wriggle under the bed. And I'm with Tori on all future travel plans- we fly. She cracks me up! Oh and loved your mom's take on grocery stores. I was bagging my own groceries and had to give a thought to Judy!

lori said...

mmm, I'll have to read the article!
Glad that Christmas was fun (minus the drive!)!! Can't wait to see pictures!