Thursday, September 11, 2008

We are Alive!!!

We are alive and well. The time has just flown by so quickly. Where did summer go? My summer students checked out, and the fall students checked in. The students have been in school for the last 10 days and my life seems to FINALLY be slowing down. The summer was insane. I felt as though I worked constantly. I knew that it was true because every time Tori had the opportunity she would turn the sign on the door so that it indicated that it was my DAY OFF. As I have said before motherhood + work = GUILT. And I usually feel guilty most of the time.

We have done quite a bit over the last few weeks, but I can only find the pictures from the State Fair on the camera...I think that Jared may have downloaded the rest of the pictures onto his computer. He is asleep and I am afraid of his computer so you get to look at a few pictures from the State Fair.

Tori is pretending to pick apples here. There is an exhibit Little hands on Farm where the kids have the opportunity to learn about the connection between the and the grocery store. The exhibit is fun. Tori had a good time. Actually any time she can play in dirt is a good time as far as she is concerned.
Isn't he cute? He is just hanging out watching his sister. Check out his adorable new walking shoes. OK so he is not THRILLED with the shoes, but it is getting colder. I think that the shoes are cute, and that he looks dapper in them.

This was Tori's favorite part of the day...riding a pony. She told me that she is a COWGIRL and she needs pink cowgirl boots. Tori finds life to be a shoe shopping opportunity.
Jared has just started his LAST semester! We are so excited. Our plans? Most likely we will be moving back to New York by April. We really want Tori to start Kindergarten where we plan to stay. As odd as this may sound Utah has grown on me. As I comtemplate our impeding move I think about some of the things that I will miss here. There is nothing better than a Utah peach or apricot.
Our children are growing. I can't believe how quickly the time goes by. Michael is currently getting FOUR molars at once. He is not even that cranky. He continues to love to explore. We have discovered that he does have a love for cars. He turns anything into a car. His father's wireless mouse, dolls, cups, etc. Yesterday Tori wore her Lightning McQueen pants he got sooooooo excited that he kept kissing her pants! It was really funny.
Tori loves to cook. Today we made an apple pie together. Anytime that I am cooking she is in the kitchen with me standing on a chair insisting that she help. She does freak out about the "fire " from the gas stove and oven, but other than that minor set back she is an excellent help.
Life is going really well and I promise that I will try to improve my blogging timelyness (is that a word)


Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

Cute, cute!! I love reading your blogs! It looks like your kids really enjoyed themselves at the State fair. It looks like a lot of fun!!

Smathers House of Girls said...

So Cute! We meant to go to the state farm here, but as usual, life got in the way. We did manage to go to the childrens museum in Saratoga and the girls LOVED it. As much as your Utah friends will miss you, I am selfishly anticipating your move to NY :)

Smathers House of Girls said...

OOps. I said farm. You know what I mean :)

Mrs. Cropper said...

"Utah has grown on me." You said it and I'm never going to let you forget it! (wink!)