Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The past few weeks...

Ok so I should be tired, but I am not. Instead of enjoying my guilty pleasure (watching mindless television) I decided to update our blog about what we have been doing over the past few weeks. You may ask why would I be so tired? Well Sleeping Beauty has decided that she sleeps better in our bed than her own. She comes into our room EVERY night between 3-4am and moves in. She usually is able to get her dad out of the bed as he retreats to the couch. If we move her back to her bed she wails and wakes up her baby brother. Last night I had the wonderful solution to simply move her next to our bed on her princess air mattress she wailed and we all were awake at 4:30am. However, how could anyone be upset by this angelic little innocent face? Better not ask that question at 4am!!!

Our Sleeping Beauty

The Ball...
Tori is motivated to read she always has been and we have always encouraged her. A few weeks ago there was a dance, a ball if you will, for the students. I had absolutely no intention of going since it was my weekend off. One night we came home from swimming and there was a flier advertising the event. Tori can read, she knows her numbers and days of the week. She was so excited she planned her outfit all week. Needless to say we went. She had a WONDERFUL time.

Prince Eric and King Triton came too. So who do you think Michael resembles? me? Definitely NO!

She dressed in her finest princess attire..Ariel of course. She loved the cake.

She loved the dancing and her shoes. Who does not want a pair of pink glitter shoes?

My children playing "under the sea". Tori is dressed as Ariel (she is singing to Prince Eric in this picture). Prince Eric is a good sport. In case you were wondering she dressed herself.

Michael's first candy. Thanks DADDY. Daddy is also the name he yells when he wants out of his crib. I wonder why? Check out his cute little curls on the back of his head.

He had his first haircut on the 7th. Doesn't he look adorable and so grown up?

I guess that is the quick update. This next week brings many celebrations our wedding anniversary, my neice's 2nd birthday, my brother-in-law's 30th birthday and MIKEY's 1st BIRTHDAY!!!! It will be a lot of fun!!!!


Sarraphim said...

So much fun! :D You must be excited for Mikey's first birthday! Heh!

Crystal said...

Your blog looks great! Happy Celebrating!

Brent, Laci, Kaylie and Madison said...

Your kids are so adorable!! I thought I was the only one who had a daughter come and climb in bed with us!!:) Glad to know that I'm not!! Looks like you guys had fun at the ball...really cute pictures!!

Wendy said...

I really like the changes you made on your blog! You'll have to teach me how to do it.

The pictures are priceless! Those 2 adorable kids are growing up SO FAST!