Thursday, May 22, 2008


We are so excited. We are leaving on Saturday for 10 days in California. I really need a vacation and Tori is THRILLED to spend time with Grandma Judi! Tori is becoming so enjoyable as she grows up. We went to Walmart today to buy a doll for today. It was just her and I. She held my hand. Since Michael was born she and I do not spend enough one on one time together. She has become so polite and kind. She is even beginning to share. She is my treasure. I am sad to think that soon she will be in Kindergarten. I am not sure how she grew up to be a 4 year old. Time flies.

Michael is wonderful. He has started taking steps, but has decided that crawling is so much faster. Fine with me. The other day he pulled Tori's placemat off from the table and dumped her macaroni and cheese onto the floor. he did not even protest when he was put into his crib so that I could clean up the HUGE mess. He knew. Tori cried. Her macaroni and cheese. Oh the drama....


Mrs. Cropper said...

Have a great vacation! Will you be back mid-June because we'll be there for a week! and p.s. what did you think of american idol?!

Vicky said...

Have fun on your vacation!