Friday, May 23, 2008

American Idol: The Dueling Davids

I am not a patient woman. For those of you who know me well are not surprised by this tidbit of information. At times I become frustrated with Tori because she is not patient either. I most likely become frustrated because I recognize this same characteristic in myself. Anyway American Idol's finale I found to be really LONG this year. At 8pm MDT I called my sister in NY to found out who won (time change), but she was sleeping at 10pm...must be nice. Thankfully I found the results online and knew who won. I really was not surprised. David Cook is a musician and deep down I still appreciate the 80's rock. I am still in love with Chris Daughtry, and he proved that winning American Idol does not guarantee you a music career. Taylor Who? In short both Davids will go on and have music careers. I enjoyed this season so much. Last season was DREADFUL. There was talent this year even though Brooke White and Jason Castro annoyed me. I am excited for season 8. I am also excited that they will hold try-outs in SLC this summer (they are my favorite).

In short great season! Maybe some day I will vote.....

Thursday, May 22, 2008


We are so excited. We are leaving on Saturday for 10 days in California. I really need a vacation and Tori is THRILLED to spend time with Grandma Judi! Tori is becoming so enjoyable as she grows up. We went to Walmart today to buy a doll for today. It was just her and I. She held my hand. Since Michael was born she and I do not spend enough one on one time together. She has become so polite and kind. She is even beginning to share. She is my treasure. I am sad to think that soon she will be in Kindergarten. I am not sure how she grew up to be a 4 year old. Time flies.

Michael is wonderful. He has started taking steps, but has decided that crawling is so much faster. Fine with me. The other day he pulled Tori's placemat off from the table and dumped her macaroni and cheese onto the floor. he did not even protest when he was put into his crib so that I could clean up the HUGE mess. He knew. Tori cried. Her macaroni and cheese. Oh the drama....

Monday, May 5, 2008

The O word

Tori is trying to learn how to spell. In fact she loves to spell and consequently is learning to read. Today she wanted to try to figure out and spell all of the words that she knew began with the letter "o". I taught her the word OBEDIENT. She was not a huge fan of the word at first she got my point. We are working on listening and doing the things that are asked of us. OBEDIENT. She noted that the five monkeys jumping on the bed were not obedient and that is why they got hurt. Maybe we are making progress...

Have you ever____________?

had a day when you felt like you were doing a good job as a mother? You know the "picture perfect day" described in all of the parenting books that you read while you were pregnant and promptly donated or put on a shelf once you had children because you quickly realized that your child had a mind and schedule of their own. That is how my day started. PERFECT and PRODUCTIVE two words not easily joined in a sentence from a working mom with two small children. The children and I all played together on the floor and one of us was able to share without crying. We played princesses, but Mickey had the opportunity to use his colored rings to make hula hoops for the princesses. We went to the library, Tori has her OWN library card, and she is THRILLED she shows everyone...just ask her. We read tons of books. Ate at the (hold your breath) CANNON CENTER. It was moderately enjoyable mainly because our good friends Seth and Roxana joined us. I helped Tori make a wonderful lemon cake for FHE. Ok so you get the point it was a good day and I managed to even work while doing all of these activities. Well my day came to a crashing halt. Michael woke up from his nap so I quickly took him out of his crib and carried him outside we needed to pick Daddy up from work. I figured when I came home I would change his diaper in 10 minutes. So I place Michael in the car seat and thanks to Tori's excellent preception she says "I see his little penis" (I have no idea why she chose to use the word little, but he will be mortified when he gets older). I quickly realize that he is not wearing a diaper. Luckily I have diapers in every storage spot possible in the car, pull out a diaper put it on him and dash off to pick up Jared. While driving to his job I realize that my shirt is all wet. Yup you guessed it Michael peed all over me, and when I came home I realized that he did the same to himself. To make a LONG story shorter when I returned home I found his diaper in his crib he had taken it OFF. Since it was warm today he was wearing his tee shirt and diaper. I assume he did not like the diaper. So I am scratching my head wondering how did my infant son who is 9 months old figure out how to take off his diaper. You see my perfect day ended once he peed on me. At least he is cute and keeps me humble.

Life in the Parrotti house is busy, but we like it like that. We have had several friends from NY visit us recently and that has made me VERY homesick. There are times when I like Utah and want to stay, but everytime I talk to a good friend (many of whom have been friends for 15-20 years or longer) I realize that I do miss them a ton. Utah has been a good experience for us, and we have grown together as a couple. We just try to focus on our blessings and less on the things that we miss.