Thursday, January 15, 2009

The week that Jared left me....

with two sick children. Tori had the stomach flu and Michael had an ear infection and the stomach flu. The house has been cleaned, Lysoled, carpets shampooed, all of the laundry cleaned and the bedding changed countless times, and I feel as though I am finally getting a handle on it all. So one late night I stayed up pondering my life. I came to the realization that this would soon be my life. Jared will be gone working, I will be home taking care of our children. I have felt completely overwhelmed this week. Thankfully I have sick time and I have not worked in addition to taking care of sick children. I really do not know how single parents do it. They are my new heros. I did not realized how wonderful it was to have a husband who was a student. I did not realize all that he does to help with the children. I did not realize how long days and nights really are, they are a lot longer when you are tending to a sick child. Again I am grateful for friends willing to help me. Again I am reminded how I wish we lived closer to family. Again I am reminded of Heavenly Father's constant concern for his children. And as I looked in the mirror this morning I realized that lack of sleep makes me look old, and I saw way too many gray hairs to count. Motherhood has taken its toll on me., but it has also changed me for the better. I am so happy that I have been given the opportunity to have children. They have taught me a lot, and I love them dearly.

So Jared has not left me permanently. He will return Saturday morning from his business trip. I am ready to count the hours. We do much better as a team. I really missed him yesterday when Tori had her 5 year-old check-up at the doctor. It took four of us to hold her down for her immunizations. It was fun. The entire heard her scream and yell that she does not care for shots. She did like the princess bandaids, sticker, sucker, and rings she got for her bravery. Michael also got a sucker because he cried because she cried. Oh the joy. I don't even get embarassed anymore. Tori is just a lot of drama.

I made Michael's day today. We walked through the Automotive section at Walmart. I cannot beleive how excited and happy he was to look at that stuff. He really is Jared's son. His first word was tractor. He always carries a matchbox car in his hand. He is entertained for a good 30 minutes just looking at his truck and tractor book. It is nothing we have encouraged, it is just who he is. I love seeing the differences between my children.


Smathers House of Girls said...

Sick kids are hard to deal with on your own. I understand the being completely overwhelmed thing. I feel like that at least once a day most weeks :) Lacey is a lot like Tori. She's very independant and it's her way or no way :) Good luck til Saturday. When he gets home, go take a nice hot bath. That's what I do when the girls are in bed. Since Jake's left, I've already found 2 grey hairs! It's time for me to call on Miss Loreal or maybe Miss Clairol :)

Unknown said...

Wow, you gave me a flashback! At 5 and 8 now they both sleep thru the night and it is so nice. When they both cried it was the worst. Even worse than when both kids are sick is when you are sick and they are not!! Thankfully that hardly ever happens. It's true that this too, shall pass.

P.S. I have been coloring my hair for the past three years, starting when I was 28.