Friday, January 30, 2009


The cake (I ordered it, I know where my talents are and are not). Tori picked it out. She LOVES Ariel. Her day was perfect. We decorated the house last night and so when she woke up this morning she woke up to a banner, balloons and a dozen pink roses. We sang to her. We had her pictures taken. She asked if her BFF, Kaylie, could go with her to McDonald's Playland for lunch. They played. Red Lobster for dinner (thanks Grandma Judi and Grandpa Bill), and then a small party. Tori had so much fun. She received a TON of presents, and now she is sleeping soundly.

I cannot believe that she is 5!! Where did the time go? Kindergarden in September? I have loved watching her personality emerge. I love her intelligence. I love her zest for life. I love her kindness. I love her creativity. I love her persistence (sometimes). I love everything about Tori. She is an amazing little girl.

*I cannot find where I copied the pictures that documented her day. They are somewhere on my computer. The only one I could find was a picture of her cake--LAME.


Vicky said...

I can't believe she's 5! That's so amazing! Can't wait to see some pictures of her fun day!

Van Ry Clan of Layton Ave said...

Time flies too quickly

Smathers House of Girls said...

Happy Birthday to Tori!!!

Nicole said...

I have spent many a night staying up and decorating cakes for my boys. But I draw the line when they turn 8. Olivia will always have her cakes ordered to. It helps me enjoy their birthdays, which to me, are so fun and nostalgic at the same time. Glad Tori had such a happy day!